179 research outputs found

    A közvetlen tejautomatás értékesítés és a közösségi agrármarketing lehetőségei a tejkvóta kivezetését követően

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    Current milk production of the European Union is about 150 million tons and there is no sign of the global expansion. At the same time the 2015 abandoning of the milk quota can lead to not only a highly competitive market, but also can entirely rearrange Europe’s “dairy sector map” and expansion of production is projected. Before abandoning the milk quota, purchase prices have decreased significantly and even after the abandoning they haven’t started to grow. Small scale dairy farms usually sell milk to collectors therefore decreasing purchase prices affect them negatively. Direct distribution channels such as using milk vending machines could be an escape route. Several marketing tools are able to locate the ideal position of a machine. Furthermore, community agricultural marketing could help by positioning the purchases through milk vending machines. These tools are quite important for small scale dairy farms because farmers don’t need to carry out marketing activities individually but they can enter into partnership with eachother

    A közvetlen tejautomatás értékesítés és a közösségi agrármarketing lehetőségei a tejkvóta kivezetését követően

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    Current milk production of the European Union is about 150 million tons and there is no sign of the global expansion. At the same time the 2015 abandoning of the milk quota can lead to not only a highly competitive market, but also can entirely rearrange Europe’s “dairy sector map” and expansion of production is projected. Before abandoning the milk quota, purchase prices have decreased significantly and even after the abandoning they haven’t started to grow. Small scale dairy farms usually sell milk to collectors therefore decreasing purchase prices affect them negatively. Direct distribution channels such as using milk vending machines could be an escape route. Several marketing tools are able to locate the ideal position of a machine. Furthermore, community agricultural marketing could help by positioning the purchases through milk vending machines. These tools are quite important for small scale dairy farms because farmers don’t need to carry out marketing activities individually but they can enter into partnership with eachother

    Anti glutamate-decarboxylase antibodies: A liaison between localisation related epilepsy, stiff-person syndrome and type-1 diabetes mellitus

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    We present two patients with partial epilepsy, type-1 diabetes and stiff person syndrome associated with high serum autoantibody levels to glutamate-decarboxylase (anti-GAD). Both patients were or have suffered from additional autoimmune conditions. The presence of stiff person syndrome and elevated anti-GAD levels have to make clinicians look for additional autoimmune conditions including type-1 diabetes. On the other hand, the co-morbidity of partial epilepsy with autoimmune conditions in patients with elevated serum anti-GAD suggests an autoimmune mechanism of partial epilepsy in these cases

    Postoperative interictal spikes during sleep contralateral to the operated side is associated with unfavourable surgical outcome in patients with preoperative bitemporal spikes

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    AbstractPurpose: To correlate the persistence of contralateral spikes during sleep after unilateral surgery with seizure outcome in a temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) population and to test the existing hypotheses about the origin of the contralateral spikes in temporal lobe epilepsy. Methods: In the 19 patients selected for this study unilateral temporal lobe surgery was performed. To investigate the course of bilateral interictal epileptiform discharges observed before surgery in awake or sleep over the temporal lobe contralateral to surgery, 24h mobile 12 channel EEG recording was performed at minimum two, in average 4.6 (2–10) years after the surgery. Results: The association of postoperative contralateral spikes and non-seizure free outcome was highly significant. The existence of unilateral pathology before surgery was highly predictive for good outcome and disappearance of contralateral spikes. The association between good seizure outcome, disappearance of contralateral spikes and the existence of unilateral pathology before surgery was also significant. Our data partially satisfies the expectations of both the “seizure induced” and mirror type secondary epileptogenesis hypotheses concerning origin of contralateral spikes, but were not completely congruent with either of them. Conclusions: Unfavourable surgical outcome in a temporal lobe epilepsy group with preoperative independent bilateral interictal spikes was associated with the persistence of postoperative contralateral spikes and lack of unilateral pathology. Compared with seizure outcome the presence/absence and distribution of postoperative interictal spikes in NREM sleep not entirely fit to the predictions of existing secondary epileptogenesis hypotheses

    Aszimptotikus approximációk a sztochasztikában = Asymptotic approximations in stochastics

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    Csörgő Sándor kutatásainak középpontjában a szentpétervári játék vizsgálata állt. Eredményeinek jelentős része az osztozkodási stratégiákhoz kapcsolódik. Az elért aszimptotikus eredmények nagymértékben hozzájárulnak a játékkal kapcsolatos számos probléma tisztázásához. Pósfai Anna az úgynevezett kupongyűjtő problémához köthető speciális határeloszlás tételeket finomította. A gyűjtő várakozási idejének nevezett véletlen mennyiség eloszlását négy jólismert eloszláscsalád tagjaival approximálta, és a kapcsolódó eloszlásfüggvényeknek aszimptotikus sorfejtéseit adta. Kevei Péter független, azonos eloszlású véletlen változók összegének illetve lineáris kombinációinak aszimptotikus viselkedését vizsgálta, különös tekintettel a szemistablis eloszlásokra és a szentpétervári játékra. Szabó Tamás és Krauczi Éva a Wasserstein távolságra épülő korrelációs tesztekkel foglalkoztak. Meghatározták a tesztstatisztikák határeloszlásait. Szimulációs vizsgálatokkal ellenőrizték a tesztek hatékonyságát. Szűcs Gábor kutatási területe az empirikus folyamatok approximációinak elmélete. Legfontosabb eredménye a valószínűségi generátorfüggvények segítségével felírt empirikus generátorfolyamatok eloszlásbeli konvergenciájára vonatkozik. Viharos László a TTT folyamat felhasználásával hatékony tesztet konstruált egy összetett illeszkedési hipotézis vizsgálatára. Pareto eloszlások indexének becslésével is foglalkozott. | Sándor Csörgő's main research field was the St. Petersburg game. A substantial part of his results concerns the pooling strategies. The obtained asymptotic results help to clarify several problems connected to the game. Anna Pósfai refined certain special limit theorems related to the so-called coupon collector's problem. She approximated the distribution of the random quantity called the collector's waiting time with the members of four well-known distribution families, and gave asymptotic expansions of the related distribution functions. Péter Kevei investigated the asymptotic behavior of sums and linear combinations of independent, identically distributed random variables, especially considering semistable laws, and the St. Petersburg game. Tamás Szabó and Éva Krauczi investigated correlation tests based on the Wasserstein distance. They derived the limit distributions of the test statistics. They performed simulation studies to check the efficiency of the tests. Gábor Szűcs's research field is the theory of approximation of empirical processes. His main result concerns the convergence in distribution of empirical generator processes defined via probability generating functions. Based on the TTT process, László Viharos constructed an efficient test to check a composite goodness-of-fit hypothesis. Moreover, he studied estimation of the index of Pareto distributions

    Vizsgálatok az élesztők tárolásával kapcsolatban III. : sajtolt és szárított élesztő csomagolása és tárolása

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    Bei Erhöhung der Salzkonzentration von Hefemilch nimmt der Trockensubstanzgehalt der aus ihr bereiteten Hefe indentischer Konsistenz zu. Die unter betrieblichen Verhältnissen verwendete Salzkonzentration beeinflusst die Lagerungsfähigkeit der Hefe nicht. Die gepresste Backhefe weist bei einer Lagerung in 50-100 g Einheiten an luftigem Orte einen grossen Gewichstverlust auf, wenn sie in wasserdampfdurchlässige Folien verpackt wird. Der Gewichtsverlust von Hefen, in wasserunduchlässigen Folien ist minimal. Die Triebfähigkeit hängt von der Menge der anwesenden Hefe-Trockensubstanz ab, der Wasserverlust bedeutet keine Verringerung der Gesamt-Triebfähigkeit des Hefepaketes. Verwendung von undurchlässigen Folien fördert die Weichwerdung der Hefen und die Verminderung der Triebfähigkeit. Die Triebfähigkeit der getrockneten Backhefe erwies sich unabhängig davon, ob die Lagerung in einer Nitrogen einer Kohlendioxid - oder in Luftathmosphäre stattfand. Die Temperatur spielt bei der Lagerung eine wesentliche Rolle; eine Trockenhefe bei 6 C gelagert verliert 20-22 Wochen lang überhaupt nichts von ihrer Triebfähigkeit, hernach aber erfolgt eine rapide Verminderung der Triebfähigkeit. Text der Abbildungen Abbildung 1. Durchspülung der Ampulle mit inertem Gas. 1. Ampulle 2. Getrocknete Backhefe 3. Ausgezogenes Gfasrohr. Prozentueller Abbildung 2. Gewichtsverlust .100 g-haltiger Hefeblockes in verschiedenes Packmaterial verpackt, während der Lagerung in einem kühlen Raume (14- 18 C) Abbildung 3. Gewichtsverlust von 100 g Hefeblocke in verschiedenartiges Packmaterial verpackt bei einer Lagerung von 35 °C im Thermostat Abbildung 4. Prozentueller Gewichtsverlust von 50 g Hefeblocken im Laufe einer Lagerung an kühlem, luftigem Orte. Die Proben wurden gleichzeitig mit den Proben der Abbildung 5. unter identischen Umständen gelagert Abbildung 5. Prozentueller Gewichtsverlust von 100 g Hefeblocks in einem kühlen, luftigen Orte. Die Proben wurden gleichzeitig mit den Proben der Abbildung 5. unter identischen Umständen gelagert Abbildung 6. Veränderung der Triebfähigkeit von auf Gewichtsverlust korrigierten je 100 g Hefe in verschiedenartige Packmateriale verpackt, im Thermostat bei 35 °C gelagert, im Laufe der Lagerung Abbildung 7. Veränderung der Triebfähigkeit von unter verschiedenen Umständen gelagerter'getrockneter Backhefe im Laufe der Lagerung. 1. Im Thermostat (35 °C) in einer Luftathmosphäre 2. Bei Laboratoriumstemperatur in einer Nitrogengasathmosphäre. 3. Bei Laboratoriumstemperatur in Kohlen-dioxidathmosphäre. 4. Bei Laboratoriumstemperatur in der Luftathmosphäre. 5. Im Kühlschrank (6 °C) in Luftathmosphäre. On increasing the salt content of yeast, also the dry matter content of the yeast of identical consistency obtained from the salted yeast rises. However, the storability of yeast proved to be not affected by the salt’concentrations generally applied under industrial conditions. When 5 0 - 100 g doses of compressed yeast are packed in foils permeable to water vapour, they suffer marked weight losses on storage in aerated rooms, while only minimum weight losses were observed in the case of yeast packed in impermeable foils. The raising power of yeasts depends on the amount of dry matter present, and losses of water are not connected with a decrease of the overall raising power of packed yeasts. The use of impermeable foils promotes the softening of yeasts and the deterioration of their raising power. The raising power of dried baker’s yeast proved to be independent of the fact whether the yeast has been stored in air or in a nitrogen or carbon dioxide atmosphere. The temperature of storage is of great importance, e. g. dry yeast stored at 6 °C did not show any decrease of raising power for 20-22 weeks. However, after this period, a rapid drop of raising power wras experienced

    LADA type diabetes, celiac diasease, cerebellar ataxia and stiff person syndrome. A rare association of autoimmune disorders.

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    Celiac disease--in its typical form--is a chronic immune-mediated enteropathy with typical clinical symptoms that develops against gliadin content of cereal grains, and is often associated with other autoimmune diseases. In cases of atypical manifestation classic symptoms may be absent or mild, and extra-intestinal symptoms or associated syndromes dominate clinical picture. The authors present a longitudinal follow-up of such a case. A 63-years old woman was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 19, and with progressive limb ataxia at the age of 36, which was initially thought to be caused by cerebellar atrophy, later probably by stiff person syndrome. At the age 59, her diabetes mellitus manifested with type 2 diabetic phenotype, but based on GAD positivity later was reclassified as type 1 diabetes. Only the last check-up discovered the celiac disease, retrospectively explaining the entire disease course and neurological symptoms. By presenting this case, the authors would like to draw attention to the fact that one should think of the possibility of celiac disease when cerebellar ataxia, progressive neurological symptoms and diabetes are present at the same time. An early diagnosis may help to delay the progression of disease and help better treatment